How to install and configure SSH server on RHEL 7

How to install and configure SSH server on RHEL 7

Install SSH server

To commence you must install the SSH server (and client). There are many servers that you can choose from, but today we’re going to install OpenSSH, probably the most popular one.
If everything goes well, you will have a SSH server installed and a key for the host configured. Next thing is to enable and start the service using systemd. And next is opening the appropriate firewall port. I assume you’re using firewalld instead of iptables.
This ensures the SSH server is loaded and started at boot time, and start it right now. Ok, end of the story. It can indeed work like this, but you should also take a few minutes to configure your new SSH server. First you should familiarize with the configuration folder: /etc/ssh . You will find a few files inside this folder, the configuration of the server resides however in the sshd_config file.

Configuring SSH server

There are many many configuration options, we’ll cover the most important ones.
This is by no mean a complete list, but shows you the most used (and important) options. If you’re willing here’s the complete list. Be sure to reload sshd for the changes to take effect
Also, changing the port or the address will require a restart of the SSH server.
